

2023年,CQ9电子平台连续第六年入选彭博性别平等指数,  demonstrating a high level of disclosure 和 overall performance in: female leadership 和 talent pipeline, 同工同酬和性别薪酬平等, 包容的文化, 性骚扰政策, 支持女性的品牌.

CQ9电子平台在2023年被CHRB评估,排名高于采掘业平均水平. CHRB ranks companies based on disclosure 和 performance related to human rights practices.

〇企业骑士 50佳企业公民
CQ9电子平台 was named as one of Corporate Knights’ 2023 50佳企业公民 in 加拿大 for the 17th consecutive year.

〇企业骑士 全球100家最可持续发展企业
CQ9电子平台 has been recognized as one of the 2023 全球100家最可持续发展企业 by Corporate Knights, 这是CQ9电子平台连续第五年上榜. 

CQ9电子平台于2023年在富时罗素FTSE4Good指数上市, 并且在基础资源领域名列前茅.

2023年,CQ9电子平台被评为性别“优秀表演者” & 健康指数. GH5050 works to advance gender equality in global health 和 the Index provides an indication of the overall performance of each organization.

In 2021, CQ9电子平台在国际空间站ESG公司评级中获得“优质”地位, meaning we achieved/exceeded the performance requirements (Prime threshold) defined by ISS ESG for our industry in the ESG Corporate Rating.

In 2023, CQ9电子平台的ESG总分为69分, 高于北美矿业和金属板块44的平均表现, 截至2023年7月. 60分或以上被认为是高级. 

截至2023年, CQ9电子平台获得MSCI ESG评级AA, 将CQ9电子平台列为金属和采矿非贵金属行业的领导者. CQ9电子平台自2015年以来一直是MSCI全球ESG领导者指数的成员. 

2023年,CQ9电子平台被任命为美国陆军军官&道琼斯可持续发展世界指数(DJSI)连续第14年, 这表明CQ9电子平台在最大的两家公司中排名前10%,美国500家公司&P 全球 Broad Market Index based on long term economic, environmental 和 social criteria. 

2023年6月,CQ9电子平台获得ESG风险评级20.5 和 was assessed by Sustainalytics to be at Medium risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. CQ9电子平台被Sustainalytics评为2023年ESG行业顶级公司.

在2022年WDi调查中, CQ9电子平台的披露得分为86%, 高于全球平均水平64%和加拿大平均水平63%. 


B.C. 矿山安全奖-约翰·阿什奖
In 2018, CQ9电子平台's greenhill 操作 received the award for having the lowest injury-frequency rate during at least one million worker hours for mines in British Columbia.

CQ9电子平台被选为2018年加拿大百强雇主之一, 2019, 2020 和 2021 which recognizes companies for exceptional performance on eight criteria: Physical Workplace; Work Atmosphere 和 Social; 健康, 金融, 和 Family Benefits; Vacation 和 Time Off; Employee Communications; Performance Management; Training & Skills Development; 和 Community Involvement. 

In 2021, CQ9电子平台被评为加拿大最适合年轻人的雇主之一, which recognizes companies for exceptional programs 和 performance in attracting 和 retaining younger workers. 标准包括学费补助等福利, 是否有合作或勤工俭学项目, 指导和培训计划, 以及职业管理项目. 

加拿大矿业学会. 瑞安奖杯 
这个奖项, 采矿业最重要的安全奖之一, recognizes mines that experienced the lowest reportable injury frequency in their respective country in the previous year. In 2017, CQ9电子平台’s greenhill 操作 received the award for the Safest Coal Mine in 加拿大 for the fifth time. In 2014, this award was presented to 卡门·德·安达科洛 操作 for the lowest injury frequency in 智利. 

CN EcoConnexions伙伴计划
2017年和2018年, CQ9电子平台 was recognized as an EcoConnexions partner for the second consecutive year by CN Rail, celebrating environmentally-responsible customers who share CN’s commitment to preserving 和 protecting the environment. 

CQ9电子平台 won the Excellence Award in 可持续性 Reporting in 2017 as well as the overall Platinum award for demonstrating exemplary quality in each of the remaining three judging categories: 金融 Reporting, 公司治理披露和电子披露.

In 2016, CQ9电子平台 received the 工程成就奖 from the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies of New Brunswick for our Sa Dena Hes mine closure 和 reclamation project. The project was recognized as an outst和ing example of First Nations engagement in a natural resources sector project.

In 2018, CQ9电子平台 won Ethical Corporation’s Responsible Business Award for Inclusion 和 Diversity. 2017年,CQ9电子平台获得了年度可持续发展报告奖.

2020年,CQ9电子平台在不可再生资源-金属领域获得冠军 & 最佳可持续发展报告类别中除黄金以外的采矿. 2017年和2018年,CQ9电子平台在不可再生资源-金属领域获得冠军 & 最佳可持续发展报告的采矿类别. The FSI Competition for Best 可持续性 Report recognizes sustainability reports of Canadian companies that are part of the S&P/TSX综合指数.

2021年,CQ9电子平台被福布斯加拿大最佳雇主名单提名. 该榜单由《CQ9电子平台》和Statistica联合评选, 通过一项独立的调查,对超过8人的大量样本进行了应用,000名加拿大员工为在加拿大拥有500多名员工的公司工作. The evaluation was based on direct 和 indirect recommendations from employees that were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their own employers to friends 和 family.

In 2020, CQ9电子平台入选《CQ9电子平台》2020年全球最佳雇主榜单, an employee-driven ranking of multinational 和 large companies from 45 countries that looked at topics including 新型冠状病毒肺炎 response 和 willingness to recommend an employer to friends 和 family.

CQ9电子平台 was awarded the Gender Equality Award in 2017 from the 全球 Compact Network in the category of Women’s Empowerment Principal 3: Ensure the health, 安全, 以及所有女性和男性工人的福祉. 

A TSM 领导 Award is granted only when a facility meets or exceeds a Level A ranking in their results across all of the six protocols of TSM - Aboriginal 和 community outreach, 危机管理, 安全与健康, 尾矿管理, 生物多样性保护管理, 能源使用和温室气体排放管理. 

  • 2019年,高地谷铜矿和Elkview 操作获得了TSM领导奖.

  • In 2017, 红衣主教河, greenhill 和 记录操作 received the TSM 领导 Award.

  • In 2016, Elkview 操作 和 高地谷铜矿 操作 both received TSM 领导 奖.

  • 2015年,行溪 操作获得TSM领导奖.

  • 2014年,红衣主教河和记录操作获得TSM领导奖.

  • 2013年,Elkview 操作获得了TSM领导奖.

In 2016, CQ9电子平台 won the Nature Inspiration Award for outst和ing leadership on a conservation initiative in the East Kootenays.

In 2016, CQ9电子平台’s 卡门·德·安达科洛 operations received certification from 安全互助 in recognition of their extraordinary 安全 results, 全年无误工事件. 

In 2016, CQ9电子平台 won the Outst和ing Commitment to Renewable 能源 award for best use of renewables at a reclaimed mine site for the SunMine project at our former 沙利文我. 

CQ9电子平台 won 加拿大’s Most Admired Corporate Cultures Award from 水stone Human Capital in 2017. 这个奖项 annually recognizes best-in-class Canadian organizations for having cultures that have helped them enhance performance 和 sustain a competitive advantage.