
CQ9电子平台的红衣主教河矿井, 位于欣顿附近, 阿尔伯塔省, ceased mining operations in June 2020 和 is in 主动关闭.

CQ9电子平台 红衣主教河

卡迪纳河煤矿是一座炼钢煤矿,位于欣顿以南约42公里处, 阿尔伯塔省.

The mine was a major producer of steelmaking coal from 1969-2020, 和 has since transitioned into active closure, with an ongoing focus on post-closure reclamation.  

红衣主教河矿已于2020年6月达到矿山寿命终点,目前处于主动关闭状态. This phase of mine life begins when mining has been completed. 主动关闭 includes decommissioning of site facilities 和 infrastructure, 最后土地复垦, 和, 在需要时, 整治活动.  

红衣主教河 mine provides Indigenous communities, 当地居民, 关注我们关闭和填海活动现状的社区, including changes to public access. Although 红衣主教河 mine is no longer in operation, site maintenance 和 active reclamation 和 closure activities continue. 确保公众安全, 有指定的通道(dat)穿过和周围的矿物表面租赁(MSL). DATs为户外爱好者提供安全通道,并指定用于非公路车辆(OHV)使用或非机动通道(步行或骑马)。. 公众可以在网上获得地图,也可以向卡地纳河矿区索取. 

Public access is prohibited in the following areas:  

  • All areas outside of the marked DATs; including, but not limited to; the active mine access road, unless otherwise accommodated through designated underpasses 和 crossings. 

  • The dividing berm along the western edge of the Grave Flats Road.  

  • Overnight camping, staging, 和 hunting is prohibited within in the MSL. 

卡迪纳尔河煤矿每年召开一次会议,讨论煤矿内外公众通道的变化. 有关年会或公众访问的更多信息,请联系1-855-806-6854或电子邮件 feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com.  

Access to Drummond Ridge 小道 Designated Access 小道: Due to active reclamation activities, 德拉蒙德岭步道已临时搬迁,将需要护送通过部分矿物表面租赁. 请遵守位于集结区的无线电控制棚里的指示. 集结区与卡多明山集结区位于同一位置. Please follow posted signage.  


Access to Powerhouse Creek 和 Mackenzie Creek Designated Access 小道s: 部分数据网络暂时关闭,以促进回收工作. Please respect all signage located at the Powerhouse Creek staging area. CQ9电子平台 will provide an update on public access as reclamation work is completed. 的问题, 请联系CQ9电子平台反馈热线1-855-806-6854或电子邮件feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com . 

坟场道: A section of the Grave Flats Road, approximately 22 kilometers south of Cadomin, 沿着卡迪纳河, is washed out 和 is not passable. Grave Flats Road is under the jurisdiction of Yellowhead County. Please direct questions about this road to Yellowhead County.  

Mountain Park Town Site Area (West of the McLeod River): 沿着Grave Flats路的指定通道已关闭,该通道通往河流以西的前山地公园区域. 

Mountain Park Cemetery Area: 公众进入山公园墓地的通道不会因关闭活动而中断.  

展望河地区: Public access into the southwest tributary of Prospect Creek is restricted. 

The Prospect Creek DAT is open. 请注意,作为这条小径的一部分穿过有效的矿物表面租赁, it is important that all signage is obeyed, 而用户则停留在DAT上. Prospect Creek is a non-motorized (foot or equestrian) DAT. 

哈里斯溪谷: 为了安全起见,Harris和McLeod矿井的关闭活动需要临时关闭通道. These closures have impacted public access into the Harris valleys.  

In 2014, a clean water diversion was built. 净水分流, as well as other closure activities, 关闭了原来通往卡多明山和哈里斯山谷的指定通道.  

An alternate route to Cadomin Mountain has been established 和 this DAT is open. 请注意,这条步道在MSL之外的部分非常陡峭,这条步道应该谨慎使用.  

Mile 12 Cabin Staging Area: 12英里小屋的临时集结区取代了封闭的山公园集结区. 该地区位于历史悠久的山公园小镇遗址东南19公里处,横跨红衣主教分水岭. The staging area is clearly marked, 和 infrastructure includes washrooms 和 12 camping sites with fire pits. Due to the washout of the Grave Flats Road, approximately 22 kilometers south of Cadomin 和 沿着卡迪纳河, access to Mile 12 Cabin Staging Area is via the Pembina River Road. 有关CQ9电子平台的更新, 红衣主教河矿山和公众访问请通过电话1-855-806-6854或通过电子邮件feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台CQ9电子平台联系.com. 

有关矿物地表租赁区域内限制的更多信息,请参阅南北通道地图. The maps also provide coordinates for the Mineral Surface Lease. 还有一个可供下载的坐标文件,用于手持式GPS设备.  

枢机河业务 North 和 South Map

枢机河业务 Boundary Coordinates Google Earth


回收 at 红衣主教河 mine will aim to conserve 和 enhance biodiversity. 受干扰的土地将恢复到支持各种最终土地用途的同等土地能力状态. 

为了实现这个目标, 填海景观有五个不同的价值,包括:流域功能, 渔业的栖息地, 森林建立, 传统的使用, 娱乐用途.  

该矿区的填海计划如下:(1)Cheviot矿物地表租约(MSL) (2) Cheviot主要通道, (3) Luscar Mineral Surface Lease. 

在任何给定区域, earthworks 和 initial revegetation takes about three years, 在艾伯塔省能源监管机构认为填海完成之前,需要进行6到10年的监测和改进.  

从切维奥特许可程序的监管机构收到的反馈的一个关键结果是需要在填海中使用本地植物物种.我们已将这种方法纳入卡迪纳河煤矿的复垦规划中. ​ 

CQ9电子平台仍然致力于与土著社区和其他感兴趣的社区就正在进行的填海计划的发展进行接触. CQ9电子平台每年举行社区更新会议,并将在整个填海过程中继续举行这些会议. 

CQ9电子平台 is committed to protecting water quality at our 红衣主教河 mine. 在操作, CQ9电子平台 took numerous steps to protect 和 monitor water quality, 和 this continues to be a key priority in our closure 和 reclamation activities. ​ 

CQ9电子平台 is currently monitoring water quality at multiple different locations​. CQ9电子平台遵守多个监管批准,概述了负责任的关闭活动,CQ9电子平台向艾伯塔省能源监管机构提交年度监测报告. These are publicly available on the 阿尔伯塔省 能源 Regulator website. ​ ​

Learn more about our approach to managing water

艾伯塔省环境和保护区(EPA)负责土地管理计划. CQ9电子平台与EPA分享了与土地管理有关的反馈,并将继续这样做. 的问题 related to the Luscar 和 Cheviot l和 management plans, please contact 阿尔伯塔省 环境 和 Protected Areas.  

For more information, please email feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com,敬请关注 脸谱网 或访问 CQ9电子平台.com/cardinalriver.  

红衣主教河矿已于2020年6月达到矿山寿命终点,目前处于主动关闭状态. This phase of mine life begins when mining has been completed. 主动关闭 includes decommissioning of site facilities 和 infrastructure, 最后土地复垦, 和, 在需要时, 整治活动.  

红衣主教河 mine provides Indigenous communities, 当地居民, 关注我们关闭和填海活动现状的社区, including changes to public access. Although 红衣主教河 mine is no longer in operation, site maintenance 和 active reclamation 和 closure activities continue. 确保公众安全, 有指定的通道(dat)穿过和周围的矿物表面租赁(MSL). DATs为户外爱好者提供安全通道,并指定用于非公路车辆(OHV)使用或非机动通道(步行或骑马)。. 公众可以在网上获得地图,也可以向卡地纳河矿区索取. 

Public access is prohibited in the following areas:  

  • All areas outside of the marked DATs; including, but not limited to; the active mine access road, unless otherwise accommodated through designated underpasses 和 crossings. 

  • The dividing berm along the western edge of the Grave Flats Road.  

  • Overnight camping, staging, 和 hunting is prohibited within in the MSL. 

卡迪纳尔河煤矿每年召开一次会议,讨论煤矿内外公众通道的变化. 有关年会或公众访问的更多信息,请联系1-855-806-6854或电子邮件 feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com.  

Access to Drummond Ridge 小道 Designated Access 小道: Due to active reclamation activities, 德拉蒙德岭步道已临时搬迁,将需要护送通过部分矿物表面租赁. 请遵守位于集结区的无线电控制棚里的指示. 集结区与卡多明山集结区位于同一位置. Please follow posted signage.  


Access to Powerhouse Creek 和 Mackenzie Creek Designated Access 小道s: 部分数据网络暂时关闭,以促进回收工作. Please respect all signage located at the Powerhouse Creek staging area. CQ9电子平台 will provide an update on public access as reclamation work is completed. 的问题, 请联系CQ9电子平台反馈热线1-855-806-6854或电子邮件feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com . 

坟场道: A section of the Grave Flats Road, approximately 22 kilometers south of Cadomin, 沿着卡迪纳河, is washed out 和 is not passable. Grave Flats Road is under the jurisdiction of Yellowhead County. Please direct questions about this road to Yellowhead County.  

Mountain Park Town Site Area (West of the McLeod River): 沿着Grave Flats路的指定通道已关闭,该通道通往河流以西的前山地公园区域. 

Mountain Park Cemetery Area: 公众进入山公园墓地的通道不会因关闭活动而中断.  

展望河地区: Public access into the southwest tributary of Prospect Creek is restricted. 

The Prospect Creek DAT is open. 请注意,作为这条小径的一部分穿过有效的矿物表面租赁, it is important that all signage is obeyed, 而用户则停留在DAT上. Prospect Creek is a non-motorized (foot or equestrian) DAT. 

哈里斯溪谷: 为了安全起见,Harris和McLeod矿井的关闭活动需要临时关闭通道. These closures have impacted public access into the Harris valleys.  

In 2014, a clean water diversion was built. 净水分流, as well as other closure activities, 关闭了原来通往卡多明山和哈里斯山谷的指定通道.  

An alternate route to Cadomin Mountain has been established 和 this DAT is open. 请注意,这条步道在MSL之外的部分非常陡峭,这条步道应该谨慎使用.  

Mile 12 Cabin Staging Area: 12英里小屋的临时集结区取代了封闭的山公园集结区. 该地区位于历史悠久的山公园小镇遗址东南19公里处,横跨红衣主教分水岭. The staging area is clearly marked, 和 infrastructure includes washrooms 和 12 camping sites with fire pits. Due to the washout of the Grave Flats Road, approximately 22 kilometers south of Cadomin 和 沿着卡迪纳河, access to Mile 12 Cabin Staging Area is via the Pembina River Road. 有关CQ9电子平台的更新, 红衣主教河矿山和公众访问请通过电话1-855-806-6854或通过电子邮件feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台CQ9电子平台联系.com. 

有关矿物地表租赁区域内限制的更多信息,请参阅南北通道地图. The maps also provide coordinates for the Mineral Surface Lease. 还有一个可供下载的坐标文件,用于手持式GPS设备.  

枢机河业务 North 和 South Map

枢机河业务 Boundary Coordinates Google Earth


回收 at 红衣主教河 mine will aim to conserve 和 enhance biodiversity. 受干扰的土地将恢复到支持各种最终土地用途的同等土地能力状态. 

为了实现这个目标, 填海景观有五个不同的价值,包括:流域功能, 渔业的栖息地, 森林建立, 传统的使用, 娱乐用途.  

该矿区的填海计划如下:(1)Cheviot矿物地表租约(MSL) (2) Cheviot主要通道, (3) Luscar Mineral Surface Lease. 

在任何给定区域, earthworks 和 initial revegetation takes about three years, 在艾伯塔省能源监管机构认为填海完成之前,需要进行6到10年的监测和改进.  

从切维奥特许可程序的监管机构收到的反馈的一个关键结果是需要在填海中使用本地植物物种.我们已将这种方法纳入卡迪纳河煤矿的复垦规划中. ​ 

CQ9电子平台仍然致力于与土著社区和其他感兴趣的社区就正在进行的填海计划的发展进行接触. CQ9电子平台每年举行社区更新会议,并将在整个填海过程中继续举行这些会议. 

CQ9电子平台 is committed to protecting water quality at our 红衣主教河 mine. 在操作, CQ9电子平台 took numerous steps to protect 和 monitor water quality, 和 this continues to be a key priority in our closure 和 reclamation activities. ​ 

CQ9电子平台 is currently monitoring water quality at multiple different locations​. CQ9电子平台遵守多个监管批准,概述了负责任的关闭活动,CQ9电子平台向艾伯塔省能源监管机构提交年度监测报告. These are publicly available on the 阿尔伯塔省 能源 Regulator website. ​ ​

Learn more about our approach to managing water

艾伯塔省环境和保护区(EPA)负责土地管理计划. CQ9电子平台与EPA分享了与土地管理有关的反馈,并将继续这样做. 的问题 related to the Luscar 和 Cheviot l和 management plans, please contact 阿尔伯塔省 环境 和 Protected Areas.  

For more information, please email feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com,敬请关注 脸谱网 或访问 CQ9电子平台.com/cardinalriver.  


如果您对卡地纳河煤矿的关闭规划过程有任何问题或意见, please contact CQ9电子平台 by phone at 1-855-806-6854 or by email at feedbackCQ9电子平台coal@CQ9电子平台.com


我们的 故事


阿尔伯塔的山麓, 加拿大 are home to both our 枢机河业务, 和 a threatened* population of grizzly bears. 自2004年以来, CQ9电子平台一直致力于通过实施灰熊管理计划来支持这一标志性物种的保护. 部分要感谢这项工作, the grizzly bear population in the region has more than doubled over the last decade.